1. KEEP LEARNING - Show them that learning something new keeps one ahead ...a new skill, new art, new music, new game, new friendz...anything & everything.
2.FIXED SCHEDULE - Kids feel secure and confident when
they know what is the routine. A regular time for Eating, Reading, Sleeping
would make life smoother for both of you.
newspaper, online news or on TV... have a discussion on top 5 news of the day.
4. NO BACK BITING- be a role model , show them that
gossiping is not a natural process , use your time for better options like,
reading, gardening etc.
5. CREATE A POSITIVE ATMOSPHERE- kids learn from us, if they see
us struggling with stress...believe me..coping with stress would be a problem
to them as they grow. Show them that every problem has a solution, only it may
take some time for you, to find one.
6. HAVING FUN- add lots of masti maza in your daily routine, jus jumping on dancing suddenly on a commercial break, making funny faces, innovate ... ...
7. GO ON A DATE - yap go out on a date with your child, just one child and you at a time...you`ll have a better connect and would get to know them better as individual. Kids also get a feeling of importance.
WARNING- trying
these steps may lead a sudden rise in your kidz smartness quotient.